1. Report a Bug

Mistake happen, it is what makes us human. If you find a error within our solution, feel free to let us know.

Built4 Woodworking Manual


3. Submit a Question

If you are unsure of how something works or have a question in general, feel free to contact us.

Built4 Woodworking Report Mode

To use this help file, click on the plus sign to open or maximize and the minus sign to close or minimize.

reportProject Report displays all the projects that have been entered and offers navigation to any project listed. Read more about the sorting process in the next section.

  1. RETURN ARROW. Return to the previous view.
  2. REPORTS. Navigation to any of the reports available.
  3. PRINT. Print report in print friendly format.
  4. Line arrow allows navigation to active project of choice.
  5. Sorting icon allows your choice of sorting for that column.

The REPORT MODE displays all the reports that have been entered. report [5] You can sort through your projects but pressing the double black arrow icons in front of the category of your choice. Your sorting options include: INACTIVE. SORT ASCENDING. SORT DESCENDING. UNSORT. FILTER BY ROW. OMIT MATCHING. SHOW ALL.

A very simple shopping list that is printable and very handy. Print or Close functions are the two actions offered.

Once you close, you will return to main part of the program. shoplist Print the report in a printer-friendly format.

bonusEach of the three bonus database offers a viewable and printable report. The upper toolbar includes:

  1. RETURN ARROW. Return to the previous view.
  2. REPORTS. Drop down selection provides navigation to the report section.
  3. PRINT. Print database in print friendly format.
  4. Displays category that the project is listed in.
  5. The data.

The reports are available in a print friendly format. Shown here is an example of the printout. To print, simply review and then click print. Your printer browser will display.


A printable sheet of the project is also available and is great to include with the project as a gift. The default style is plain but there are also designer printouts available including: holiday, swirl, paneling, and stitches.


Your printer will offer several selections to print. To choose all the records, select 'records being browsed'. To choose a single record, (when printing project card) select 'current record'. There may be some slight difference to this occurring to your specific printer.print

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